CITROEN AX - SAXO - C2 - C3 TU2 - TU3 - TU5
147,00 €+ VAT
CALICO connecting rod bearings for CITROEN AX - C2 - C3 - SAXO 1.3 8v, 1.4 8v, 1.6 8v & 1.6 16v, TU2 - TU3 - TU5 engine: NFR, NFU, NFSX, NFS, NFZ, NFV, NFT, NFY, NFW....etc
CALICO is a specialist manufacturer of high performance coatings for the Motorsport industry.
These bearings are coated with a CT1 or CT11 anti-adhesive dry film lubricant treatment to reduce friction and abrasive wear, providing uninterrupted dry lubrication.
The CT1 - CT11 treatment is specifically designed to withstand extreme working conditions and loads on high performance engines.
- Friction reduction.
- High heat resistance
- Wear resistance
- Motorsport technology.
Ideal for high performance and high revving engines.
The world's leading motorsport manufacturers use CALICO for their engines.
*Available witout notch (oem rods) and with notch (after market rods).
Extra Info
All models engine family: TU2, TU3, TU5J2, TU5J4, TU5JP4.