Octane booster concentrated
89,00 €+ VAT
MAGIGAS SUPERFORMULA AK5, is a powerful concentrated octane increaser and anti-knock agent (valid for up to 500L of gasoline mixed with 0.1%).
Superformula AK5 eliminates the phenomenon of detonation, thereby increasing the performance of the engine, obtaining a SURPRISING result.
It is especially recommended for engines, which increase the understanding ratio, with this additive noticeably decreases the effect of the detonation, due to the increase of the understanding, obtaining very satisfactory results.
It can be used on any petrol engine, both 2T and 4T, as well as atmospheric engines, with volumetric compressor or turbo compressor.
It is very important to make the mixture in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer, increasing the mixture can have the opposite effect, with which we recommend 0,1% to maximum of 0.5% of mixture.
If you take a medium jar to make the correct mixture, easily and easily
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Mixed recommendation
fuel AK5 (0,2%) fuel AK5 (0,3%)
250L 500ml 150L 500ml
125L 250ml 75L 250ml
62,5L 125ml 37,5L 125ml
50L 100ml 30L 100ml
25L 50ml 15L 50ml
20L 40ml 12L 40ml
10L 20ml 6L 20ml
6L 10ml 3L 10ml