Diesel clean 500ml
29,00 €+ VAT
Anti-smoke and combustible treatment water absorption.
MAGIGAS Diesel CLEAN is a treatment exclusively for diesel engines.
This powerful cleaner has been developed for engines that emit excess smoke through the exhaust pipe and odors, drastically reducing emission particles.
With frequent use the injection system, pump and circuit are kept clean.
On the other hand Diesel CLEAN performs an important function, by solving a problem very common in these engines, as it is to capture the water molecules and dilute them, thus in this way the re-combustion process can be carried out correctly.
Prevents clogging of filters, as well as oxidation and corrosion of metal components.
It is highly recommended for vehicles that perform short journeys, vehicles with many kilometers or users who want optimal maintenance of their engine.
Pour the product into a diesel fuel tank of between 40 / 60L.
For regular maintenance of the engine, it is recommended to use the treatment every 2 / 3,000 kms.
· Powerful injection system cleaner.
· All diesel engines on the market.
· Application of 1 container with the full tank of 40/60 liters.
· Recommended stop / go vehicles and vehicles short journeys.
Package: 500ml. (min.order 2 units).