SUNOCO Race Fuel

R TC 102 octane

Turbo engines race fuel

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337,90 €+ VAT

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Availability: Available


R TC, is specially developed for Turbo engines with a high oxygen content, to obtain the maximum power in the whole range of revolutions. Very resistant to detonation and designed to withstand high loads in the cylinder. Several tests in the power bank have confirmed that it is the most powerful fuel in the market.
For maximum performance it is necessary to carry out a specific cartography.
It can be used in any market cartography: WRC, R5, R4, R3T ....
Drums: 50L and 200L
- Turbo powered engines.
- WRC, R3T, R4, R5
- GpA, GpN Turbocharged
- Rally, Forest rally, Hillclimb

Specific gravity 0,781
RON 102
MON 90
Initial boiling point 45
Final boiling poing 132
Oxygen 3,7%