BMW 135i - 335i - 435i - X1 - X3 S-Drive
Engine N55
335,00 €+ VAT
Sump pan oil baffle kit for BMW 135i, 335i, 435i, X1, X3 engine N55 3.0 models exclusively sDRIVE.
Oil pan baffle are designed for constant and optimal lubrication of the engine.
This kit keeps the engine oil level stored in the crankcase at its highest level for the oil pump.
With the lack of lubricant in the engine crankcase, caused by lateral acceleration, braking… it creates air pockets, which deteriorates the engine due to lack of lubrication in certain circumstances.
Engine breakdowns or breakages, in a very high percentage, are related to the lubrication system, with this partitioned crankcase system, the reliability of the engine significantly increases.
Manufactured with ramps or non-return gates, they allow the entry of oil. High quality 1.5mm thick stainless steel partitions, which provides greater stability and resistance to corrosion.
Ideal to used on racing, high performance, track and street driven cars.
Easy assembly and does not require maintenance.